By: Natasha Etzel |
– First published on May 27, 2023
For some households, investing in a Costco membership is worthwhile. The famous warehouse club sells most of its grocery and household items in bulk, which can result in significant savings for shoppers on a budget. If you’ve never shopped at Costco, you may be surprised at the variety of available products. Some items sold here aren’t sold at other retailers, so make sure you don’t miss out on these winning finds at your local Costco club.1. $1.50 hot dog and soda comboIs there anything better than a satisfying snack after a busy afternoon filling your shopping cart? Costco is well-known for its affordable food court finds. One popular treat that makes for an easy and cheap lunch is Costco’s $1.50 hot dog and soda combo. You won’t find a deal this good at your local grocery store, but you can enjoy this cheap lunch at your local Costco.2. Kirkland Signature organic extra virgin olive oilWhile you can find olive oil at most grocery stores, not all olive oil available is high-quality or sold at a price that won’t drain your checking account. But Costco’s Kirkland Signature organic extra virgin olive oil is a favorite among Costco shoppers. Celebrity chef Samin Nosrat, host of Netflix’s Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat, recommends this essential kitchen staple. You can get a 2-liter bottle at your local Costco for less than $20.3. Pumpkin pieCostco is known for this favorite seasonal find: pumpkin pie. This tasty treat is available in the bakery section beginning in the fall and through the winter holidays. The ready-to-enjoy pie consists of more than three pounds of goodness for $5.99. In a fall 2022 post in the r/Costco subreddit, user ouchmytounge shared a photo of a line going out the door at their local club. The crowd of shoppers were waiting for this fan favorite! You won’t find this exact creation elsewhere, so it’s the perfect item to bring to this year’s Thanksgiving potluck.4. Rotisserie chickenAnother deal that Costco is known for is its rotisserie chicken. The warehouse club sells an entire rotisserie chicken for $4.99. Whether you plan to make chicken salad, shredded chicken tacos, or add the meat to soup for a more hearty, filling meal, this is a great price to pay for an easy meal. Finding a rotisserie chicken this cheap at your local grocery stores will be difficult.5. Kirkland Signature organic pure maple syrupCalling all breakfast lovers! Another Costco favorite you won’t find at other stores is the Kirkland Signature organic pure maple syrup. Whether you’re a fan of brunch, add maple syrup to your morning bowl of oatmeal, or use maple syrup as a sugar substitute, this high-quality, 100% pure maple syrup won’t break your budget. A 33.8-ounce bottle costs less than $15.A warehouse club membership could save you moneyIf you want to reduce your grocery spending, consider investing in a warehouse club membership. Joining a club like Costco may help you stay on budget as you shop. Plus, you can try some of the finds mentioned above. Costco membership prices range from $60 to $120 annually. For additional ways to save money, check out our personal finance resources.

By: Maurie Backman |
– First published on June 8, 2023
Shopping at Costco is a great way to save money on everything from groceries to apparel to household products. And if you upgrade to an executive membership at Costco, you may find you’re able to save even more.A Costco executive membership costs $120 a year, which is double the cost of a basic membership. In exchange, you get 2% cash back at Costco, which is a pretty sweet deal. In fact, your cash back could be enough to pay for your upgraded membership and then some.But if you’re thinking about upgrading your membership at Costco, it’s important to know how the program works. Here are a few things you may not have known about a Costco executive membership.1. You’re limited to a $1,000 reward each yearIf you shop at Costco frequently enough, you might manage to rack up a lot of cash back from your executive membership. But you should know that once you’ve accumulated $1,000 via executive membership cash back, you’re done for the year.That said, to even get to the point of being eligible for a $1,000 cash back reward from your executive membership, you’d need to spend $50,000 a year at Costco. That’s probably way more than you can imagine yourself spending, even if you have a year when you use Costco to do things like book travel and update your furniture.2. Online purchases countAlthough Costco carries an impressive selection of inventory in its warehouse club stores, you might find even more items to choose from online. The good news is that online purchases are generally eligible for 2% back if you have an executive membership, so don’t be concerned that those orders won’t count.3. Car purchases aren’t eligible for cash backIn some cases, it could pay to purchase your next vehicle via Costco. But unfortunately, your car purchase will not be eligible for the cash back rewards that are part of an executive membership. (If they were, then hitting that $1,000 limit would probably be easier.) However, there are still many perks to buying a car through Costco, such as saving money on your purchase price, so it pays to see what models are available through this program.Should you get a Costco executive membership?A Costco executive membership certainly isn’t right for everyone. If you don’t do a lot of shopping at Costco, then it may not be worth it to pay the extra $60 a year. But either way, read up on how the upgraded membership works and the benefits it offers before making your decision.Remember, too, that Costco wants you to be happy with your executive membership. If you do the upgrade and find that it isn’t worth it, you can always downgrade your membership to a basic one and ask for a refund. It’s not as though you’re stuck with the costlier membership once you decide to make that upgrade, so it’s really a pretty risk-free proposition if you want to give it a try.

By: Christy Bieber |
– First published on June 8, 2023
Costco is well known for its affordable grocery and personal care products, as well as for good prices on household items. The warehouse club offers great deals that let you spend less on your credit cards, as well as many Kirkland brand products you can’t find elsewhere.But there are some other Costco benefits you may not be aware of that could help you keep more money in your checking account, too. Here are eight of them to look into.1. Cheap drugs for yourself and your petsCostco’s pharmacy offers great deals on human medications, with some drugs coming in as much as 40% cheaper at Costco than at other pharmacies. But it’s not just human drugs you can save on.Costco also offers a wide variety of pet medications, including heartworm and flea preventives as well as more specialized meds. When my dog was on heart medication, I was consistently able to pay less than half of what the vet would have charged by buying the drugs at Costco.2. Affordable hearing aidsCostco offers several models of prescription hearing aids, with prices starting as low as $1,599. With the average price of a hearing aid coming in at around $2,000 or higher, this can be a pretty significant savings.You can even get your hearing test done right at Costco as well, and enjoy free remote follow-up services from home.3. Low-cost eyeglasses and contactsCostco also provides both contact lenses and eyeglasses at discount prices for members, including specialty products like prescription sunglasses and high-definition, high-index lenses. Costco Optical accepts vision insurance, and surveys have shown Costco’s prices on glasses are around 54% cheaper than other retail chains.4. Gas that comes at a great cost and cleans your engineCostco’s Kirkland Signature Gasoline is advertised as having five times the detergent the EPA requires and, according to Costco, it’s “formulated to clean your engine and help your vehicle run like new.”Research has also shown Costco gas prices are significantly cheaper than what most competitors offer — sometimes, as much as $0.30 less per gallon. Being able to get high-quality gas for less money is a major win.5. Cheaper insuranceSurprisingly, it’s possible to buy both home and auto insurance through Costco. Policies come from CONNECT, which is powered by American Family Insurance. Costco members who switched their coverage reported they saved close to $600 on premiums in their first year after taking advantage of this Costco perk.6. Shutterfly discountsIf you’re interested in buying photo prints or products created with your photos, you’ll be excited to discover the Costco Shutterfly partnership. Through this partnership, Costco members save 51% off Shutterfly’s regular price and qualify for free shipping for any orders of $49 or more. You’ll just have to add your Costco membership number to your Shutterfly account to get these price breaks.7. Cars at lower pricesWhile you may not necessarily think of Costo as the first place to buy a car, the warehouse club’s auto program can actually save you quite a lot on both new and pre-owned vehicles.Costco works with pre-approved dealers through its Costco Auto Program so members can get special pre-arranged pricing at more than 3,000 dealerships nationwide. Members-only incentives are also available on some vehicles, such as a current deal providing between $1,000 and $2,500 off certain Volvo vehicles.8. Discounts on home improvement installationsFinally, Costco works with a partner network of trusted service professionals who can install various products, ranging from carpet to HVAC systems to countertops.When you work with a service professional you find through Costco, you’ll often get special incentives to help bring the price down. For example, if you have certain hardwood, carpet, or laminate flooring installed now, you can qualify for a 10% Costco Shop Card.These eight perks can all help you save money on various purchases you may need to make. If you’re passing them up, you’re missing out.

By: Maurie Backman |
– First published on June 9, 2023
First it was an epic chocolate and peanut butter pie. Then it was a lemon meringue cheesecake that some tasters described as “four pounds of heaven.” Now, Costco is taking its bakery game to the next level with a new churro bundt cake. And if this delicious offering makes an appearance at your local warehouse club store, you may want to scoop it up.Yet another fabulous treatCostco isn’t a stranger to churros — its food courts serve up fresh ones every day. But if you’re looking for a churro-like dessert to feed a crowd, you may want to be on the lookout for the latest bakery concoction, a churro bundt cake with a dulce de leche drizzle and powdered sugar.Made by Bakery Street, a California-based dessert maker, Costco’s latest offering is said to weigh 40 ounces and retail for $10.79. So you’re paying about $0.27 per ounce of cake.By contrast, David’s Cookies sells a 68-ounce carrot cake for $54.95. That’s about $0.81 per ounce.Granted, these two cakes are different in nature. The point, however, is that on a per-ounce basis, Costco’s price is very reasonable.Should you scoop up Costco’s latest dessert offering?You may not find Costco’s new churro bundt cake at your local warehouse club store just yet. But it could make an appearance at some point. And when that happens, you may be tempted to put one of those beauties into your shopping cart. Given its lower price point, it’s easy to make the argument that Costco’s churro bundt cake is a great deal. But that’s only if the cake doesn’t end up going to waste.Unless you have an occasion you need a cake for, you may end up throwing a large portion of it away if you buy it for yourself, or yourself and a partner alone. After all, fresh cake tends to have a limited shelf life. And while many cakes can be frozen without issue, it’s hard to know whether this one falls into that category. That said, if a comparable cake at your local bakery or grocery store will cost $15 for a dessert that’s one-third the size of Costco’s offering, then you may just decide to spend your $10.79 and see what happens. If you end up throwing a portion of it away, you may not end up wasting money (though there’s the concept of food waste to be mindful of). Plus, if you find yourself with too much cake on your hands, you could always be neighborly and offer a slice to the people who live in the apartment or house next door.The great thing about shopping at Costco is getting to save money on a host of items, dessert included. Costco’s latest offering certainly sounds delicious, and it could be a great item to bring to a party or to feature at a gathering you’re hosting. But if you don’t feel that you’ll be able to finish it before it goes bad, then you may want to avoid the extra credit card charge.

By: Dana George |
– First published on June 10, 2023
I will gladly try almost anything at Costco, at least once. You never know when you’re going to come across a product that’s absolutely perfect for you. However, there is no chance I will ever buy any of the following products at Costco. 1. 72-pound Cheese WheelI like cheese as much as the next person, but good gravy. Who needs a 72-pound wheel of parmigiano reggiano? The bad news? It’s only available through good news? Shipping and handling are included in the $950 price. At over $13 a pound, it’s not like you’d be saving money. 2. 600 Bottle Classic LX Double Wine CellarI gotta be honest. If any of my wine-loving friends ever decide to spend $5,700 on a wine cooler for their home, I’m going to be the first one to stage an intervention. Unless a person owns a bar or restaurant, I cannot reconcile spending so much money on a single luxury item, designed to make drinking even more pleasurable. Does it look cool with its “VinoView Shelving?” Absolutely. It’s gorgeous. It may, however, be a cry for help.3. 28-pound Bucket of Mac N’ CheeseI recently told a friend that I would be the first to die in an apocalypse. Mainly because I need snacks. I get that people like gearing up for the end of the world, but really, the idea of 240 servings of mac n’ cheese makes me sad.The advertisement promises that this bucket full of carbs has a shelf life of up to 25 years, which immediately made me think it was made specifically for preppers. I stand corrected. Once I saw that there are 204 reviews online, I had to see what folks had to say.My favorite review came from a lady who says she purchased the bucket for her grandson, who was “pleasantly surprised” the day it arrived. But here’s the impressive part: Not only did the reviewer purchase the 240-serving bucket once, but she says she’s purchased it again.I can’t help but be impressed, although I don’t think I’m willing to shell out $120 for a massive bucket of mac n’ cheese anytime soon.4. The Mother’s Casket You know that nervous laughter that bubbles up when you’re supremely uncomfortable? That’s what I experienced the first time I saw The Mother’s Casket. My mind didn’t quite know what to focus on. Let’s face it: The name is both macabre and hysterical. Who thought that was a good idea?And please, even though I won’t ever buy one, allow me to describe this model to you. The first, and possibly most important feature, is that it’s pink with what’s called “a purple coral finish.” There is (of course) a pink velvet interior with the word “Mother” embroidered on the head panel, and an adjustable eternal rest bed. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why Mom needs to be able to adjust the head and footrest, but there you have it.Finally, there’s a matching pink pillow and throw. Overall, it’s delightful.I get why people would be attracted to a jazz-hands casket that costs $1,150. Funerals are ridiculously expensive. It’s why so many people hold on to enough life insurance to cover their funeral costs.Although I’d never buy one, I’d love to meet the family who would. They sound like fun.5. Bote Zeppelin 10″ Inflatable KayakMy husband and I once went on a whitewater rafting trip with about eight other couples, some of whom we barely knew. Between that trip and a kayaking experience we had in Puerto Rico a couple of months ago, I’ve learned one thing: Sharing a small water vessel with a partner tends to bring out the “real” you.Two of the couples on that long-ago whitewater rafting trip spent hours bickering — loudly. One couple would fall out of their kayak and be underwater long enough to provide a few moments of blessed quiet, but then the other couple would start picking at each other. Honestly, I just thought they were broken.Then, in Puerto Rico, kayaking in the ocean at night, I realized that I don’t always trust my husband. I’m pretty sure I let him know. The farther we paddled into the dark water, the more “honest” I became about my feelings. In truth, I was fairly certain he was going to get us killed. (I also realized that I’m terrified of manatees, but that’s another story).The idea of taking a $900 inflatable kayak out on any body of water is more than my heart can handle.6. Closeout Sushi TrayI often wonder about sushi here in the Midwest, especially the sushi sold at gas stations. Given the quality of other Costco food products, it’s hard to imagine that its sushi might be awful. But according to the folks on one super entertaining Reddit thread, Costco sushi is not always the greatest.Here are some of my favorite comments from that thread:According to Alternative-Skill167, “It’s like chewing soft plastic dipped in soy sauce.”TheEZG added this opinion, “Just be prepared for the clearance that will occur in your intestines.”And finally, my favorite. It’s from a Redditor with a user name that cannot be printed here. The poster inadvertently compared eating Costco sushi to preparing for a colonoscopy. “Go ahead and get some toilet paper, nausea meds, and Gatorade too.”So, it’s a no on the sushi. In my life, Costco is like a weird cousin. Once in a while he comes out with something that makes you wonder if he’s okay, but most of the time, there’s not a thing about him you’d change.
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