You don`t necessarily need an interior designer to work on your interior kitchen ideas, like in the other areas or zones of your home. Loads of pictures of well-designed kitchens with an aura, all their own, and your own creative urge can fructify into a lovely remodelled or new kitchen space. Some tips to keep you going are also fitted in.
Your budget is one. You have to know how you can get the optimum result or effect with the resources in hand. There is more or less expensive flooring. The same goes for the countertops and the wood for the cabinets. Granite and marble for your countertops can be ideal but may overbalance your budget. So then you look at Soapstone or concrete etc. Wooden flooring is another powerful urge, very warm feel, but also needs special maintenance. You could instead cover up your losses by taking advantage of your window light from the sun and glass doors can add vastness and another kind of focus to your dreamland.
Perhaps you can organize new, fresh tiles for the walls or the floor or invest in new cabinets, instead of stripping the entire flooring and changing it, which may not fit into your budget.
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Then, accordingly, you can look at a few modern house interior kitchen designs and come up with a kitchen plan which is a summation of all your ideas and how you fit them into your plan. Also, it should make you or whoever is working in the kitchen feel comfortable to work there and also goes with their style of work and creatively inspire them to feel fresh in the morning may be an all-white kitchen with some spots of colour at strategic places. Red, yellow, orange are great colours if you have non- appetised children to feed. Blue, violet, greys can be there to create a more peaceful atmosphere when the boisterous children have grown up and gone their way and now it’s just the two of you and your friends who often invite to your home for a friendly chat and a heavenly meal, all needing relief from work.
For the flooring consider durability, ease in cleaning, appearance and comfort. Ceramic tiles are easy to clear but wood gives a rich traditional feel. But this requires more maintenance than any other flooring and water is anathema.
Design your cabinetry to give your appliances a built-in feel. Have a good depth in your cabinets for all those gadgets and foods that you don`t need every day and keep the daily stuff in shallower cupboards or right in front in the deep ones.
You could have a deep space for your fridge. There should be enough cabinets that your countertop, seething with energy, is yet calm and uncluttered giving you larger free space to work in. Place some herb pots on the window sill for that freshness, a dash of colour with some fruits in a bowl or a blue vase with some fresh flowers, imperceptibly changed every few days.
Countertops: Choose durable, easy to clean material. Granite and marble give a lovely sheen and character to your kitchen but can be expensive. You could go for soapstone which flowers in texture as it grows older and scratches make it more appealing.
For colour- white feels refreshing first thing in the morning. You can use other pale colours with it to give a spacious feel, especially if your house’s interior kitchen is small. In small ones try not to use darker shades as it gives a cluttered feel. Kitchen islands are a great installation as they give you a more intensive working space and these can be coupled with a seating arrangement at one end and some more cabinets or even a cooking space can be created.
A breakfast nook with a comfortable sofa and matching cushions with light streaming in through a window and your breakfast bubbling and brewing at the island would be just ideal. Maybe an after-dinner coffee with some cookies….Share them here.
If you have a kitchen space with no walls in between it and the living room it can make your home look warmer and spacious. Be careful that the furniture and décor in the living room blend well with your open cafeteria, your dream kitchen and one flows into the other.
Put in some lovely. Pleasant paintings or family photographs pegged in one corner or create interest by placing a small table and some chairs in one corner. Read on while your meal bubbles along in the wok on the range.
You can also play with light and space. See where the light streams in from, into the kitchen. How some effect you are trying to create does well with the light coming in through your window or a glass door and place your fixtures accordingly.
If you live in some beautiful mountain countryside or by a river or an ocean, enhance with large windows looking out at that eternal beauty and connecting you to nature. It’s a blessing.
So here we gave you a few tips that could come in useful when you design or remodel your kitchen. Hope you enjoyed reading…
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